Author: Rebekah Colburn
•Thursday, February 09, 2012
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God...” Romans 8:28 NLT

A long, dry walk in the heat of summer gives you new appreciation for a cool drink of water. Without knowing what it feels like to be parched, we wouldn’t value the sensation of being refreshed. What we have at our disposal every day, we take for granted.

Maybe God allows us to know hardship and want so that when the blessings come, we can see them for all that they are. And thank him for them.

When I woke up sick on Sunday morning, I was disappointed. But my husband and I bonded that day in a very special way because he chose to stay by my side. I gained new appreciation for Ben as he cared for me with tender thoughtfulness.

If God had given me the choice to spend the day healthy or sick in bed, my choice would be obvious. And if it hadn’t been for everything I experienced in the years leading up to this time in my life, I wouldn’t appreciate my husband’s attentiveness as I do. This is new for me. That’s what makes it so precious.

God works in mysterious ways. Sometimes he allows us to experience the very things we would bypass if given the choice. When we find ourselves in tough times, we need to remember that God is at work in many different ways to mold and shape us into the image of his son. Perhaps we can’t truly know gratitude until we have first known deprivation.
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