Author: Rebekah Colburn
•Friday, February 19, 2010
"This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him." Psalm 91:2 NLT

Visualize the dreams that you hold dearest to your heart as sitting in your two hands. You know, those things that you long for with such fierce intensity that it takes your breath away. How tightly are you holding on to them?

If our happiness is hinged on the success of these dreams and God has a different plan for us, or has a different time table than we desire, happiness is beyond our reach. The trick is to hold these dreams loosely, to give them to God to fulfill, deny, or defer until a future date.

This is the basis of absolute trust. This is the most difficult--but important--lesson we can learn. To truly put our lives in his hands and accept whatever he gives us. To know, deep in our souls, that he loves us and is at work for our ultimate good.

Now visualize the pain that you carry resting in your hands. How tightly are you holding on to it? You do not cling to it the way you cling to your dreams, but it is such a part of you that
your fingers clutch it tightly. Release your grip. Hold it loosely. Ask God to take it away. Then let him.

Absolute trust in God means letting go of the illusion of control and having confidence in his presence in our lives, dirrecting us with wisdom and love. When we can truly believe this, we will find peace.
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