Author: Rebekah Colburn
•Saturday, November 21, 2009
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose name I praise, in God I trust”
Psalm 56:3-4.

If love is the most powerful force on earth, fear follows as a close second. It directly impacts the decisions we make every day. And while some fears are God-given and act as a safeguard to prevent us from doing foolish or harmful things, other fears are from the enemy and restrict and inhibit us from living abundant lives that honor and reflect God.

These kinds of dark fears creep in and take control of our thoughts. We lose sleep over them. How will I pay the bills next month? How can I handle the person who is out to get me? What if something bad happens to my loved one? What if my car breaks down? What if I fail—again? Did all my clothes shrink or am I getting fat?

I assume I’m not the only one with this kind of interior monologue running through my head as it rests sleeplessly on the pillow. Fear can be so powerful that it dictates our lives; or we can take a deep breath and turn it over to the Creator, the Lover of our Souls. God will provide for all of my needs—he always has. And he will go before me and clear a path and whisper the directions in my ear, if only I will listen.

When I am afraid, I must quiet my fears and let only one voice speak to my heart: that still, small voice that assures me of his loving presence in my life.
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