Author: Rebekah Colburn
•Saturday, September 05, 2009
“The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Leave your native country… and go to the land that I will show you. …So Abram departed as the Lord had instructed.” Genesis 12:1-4.

God could have given him the name of the final destination, an estimated travel time and maybe a few road marks along the way. But I guess Abram would have relied on the map instead of faith, and God is in the business of building faith.

A few weeks ago I learned that my job as teacher’s aide was hinged on the receipt of Pre-K contracts. Without this job, I cannot afford to send Grace to the Calverton School. I told Grace we must trust that God’s plan is the best plan, and accept it whether we like it or not. My Plan B was to homeschool.

The day before school started I received the official word: no job. Grace and I were both disappointed, but I had my Plan B—God’s Plan A—ready to initiate. As I move forward with it, God is providing the right people and resources for us and already I feel blessed to be where he wants us to be. I am excited about this new phase in our lives. I have learned that God’s plans are for my ultimate good, if I am willing to yield my life to his wisdom. God will not lead me anywhere he is not willing to accompany me.

I’m still working out details about income, and trying to assemble an expert curriculum for Grace. But one thing I know: God will lead me and he will provide for us. I will choose to trust him, despite any pangs of anxiety.
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