Author: Rebekah Colburn
•Saturday, May 08, 2010
"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." James 1:27 NLT

Has anyone else noticed that our nation is in a bit of a situation? The U.S. has certainly seen better days. I'm of the opinion that the current downward spiral is directly connected to the deterioration of the moral fabric that was woven into our heritage. Are we, the Church, living up to this verse?

We are called to be a light in the darkness; a city on a hill. But I wonder, are we inspiring others with our godly lives or are we blending in with the culture? Does my life reflect Christ so that without words, others know I am one of his followers?

This verse gives us two challenges: the first is to show compassion for those enduring difficult times, especially underprivileged children and women who do not have a husband or family to support them. The second challenge is perhaps the most difficult: to be uncorrupted by the world's value system.

Are we spending enough time in the Word and in growing our relationship with God to know what he expects from us? Just because something is accepted and prevalent in our culture does not make it acceptable in the eyes of God. We are called to be set apart, to be uncorrupted. And if we are living obediently, we will definitely stand out!

Positive change will not come to our nation until the hearts of God's people return to him. Join me in praying for a revival to sweep our land. Let it begin with us.
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