Author: Rebekah Colburn
•Saturday, August 01, 2009
“Never stop praying” I Thessalonians 5:17.

Does prayer work? How do we know if our prayers have been heard? The expected outcome is an obvious change in the circumstances of our lives, but what if that doesn’t happen? Did God fail us?

I once made the mistake of believing that I could, through my prayers, direct God how to run the universe (which he, by the way, created). After many tears, I came to a brilliant realization. The purpose of prayer is to establish a relationship of trust and intimacy with God, and to learn from him. He really doesn’t need our advice.

But how do we hear him? It’s hard to listen for God’s voice because the phone doesn’t ring when he’s ready to speak. You just have to be ready at all times for a still small voice to reveal itself through any number of possible means. And as your relationship with God develops, he gives the wisdom and insight to deal with life’s problems.

So tell God everything that is burdening you. But don’t forget to thank him for all the ways he has already blessed you, and trust that he really does have your best interest at heart. As you read the Bible or listen to inspirational music or words, be open to receiving God’s message. Take the time to be still, and listen.

God is yearning to communicate with you. He already loves you. Talk to him, and learn to love him better.
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On August 4, 2009 at 2:10 PM , Ralph said...

God hear us for certain but are we praying to Our heavenly father or the god of this earthly system of things, the ruler of this world Satan and his demon hordes? A good question but difficult to answer. We need to know what he requires of us and how to please him or we are praying to the wind or maybe worse.